Swedish Multi-Utility Mölndal partners with Eliq

Mölndal Energi has contracted with Eliq to deliver its customer engagement platform to the company’s residential customers, collecting its energy services across supply and distribution of electricity as well as district heating.

Eliq is growing its customer portfolio with a new Swedish customer and expanding its’ service portfolio to cover district heating alongside the supply of electricity and gas.

“Through our partnership with Eliq, we’re looking to go above and beyond what customers expect from their utility”
Christian Schwartz, CEO, Mölndal Energi

This summer, Mölndal Energi’s customers will have access to mobile apps for iOS and Android as well as a web-based energy service portal, providing rich insights alongside frictionless billing and payments across energy supply, energy network charges and district heating.  The product will also introduce a number of new features from the Eliq platform which will allow customers to view insights on their district heating spend and receive notifications on power and heat outages that affect their home

Mölndal Energi is a national supplier of 100% renewable electricity and provides district heating and electricity distribution in Mölndal city, located in the Gothenburg metropolitan area.

“With one of the world’s most digitally savvy populations, we believe user-friendly, intelligent digital tools is about to become table stakes in the Swedish energy market”
Håkan Ludvigson, CEO & founder, Eliq

The announcement comes only weeks after Eliq announced its contract with another Swedish energy supplier. “We’re now starting to see many Swedish energy suppliers wanting to upgrade their digital user experience and replicate the success stories we have from other European markets” – says Håkan Ludvigson, CEO and founder at Eliq and continues “with one of the world’s most digitally savvy populations, we believe user-friendly, intelligent digital tools is about to become table stakes in the Swedish energy market.

For press inquiries: press@eliq.io. If you want to know more about Eliq, contact hello@eliq.io