May 5 2:00 pm Havenhuis Port of Antwerp-Bruges, Antwerp, Belgium Not only were 2020 & 2021 significant years in terms of strategic crisis response, but the long-term impact of climate change will likely exceed anything we experienced in the last two years. This triggered DXC to choose “Accelerating the Digital Energy Transition” as the subject to their innovation day at the Havenhuis in Antwerp on May 5th 2022, where Eliq was invited to speak. In a short timeslot in between the key-note of DXC’s François Dauphin, Eliq’s Joost van der Linde explained how the Eliq Energy Engagement Platform can change the energy customer relationship forever. In his pitch Joost explained how the Eliq Energy Engagement Platform already today is available to guide customers of energy providers from becoming more aware (of their energy usage), via (specific) advise and notifications towards actions to take to save energy and to become more energy efficient. Without the need for new and complex hardware! User surveys have proven the Eliq platform typically increases customer engagement from 8 minutes per year to a firm 7 minutes a month, easily attracts 30% or more of the customers (we reach far more that the usual energy enthousiasts) and can lower churn up to 70%. Do you want to know how the Eliq Energy Engagement Platform and apps can help you increase customer engagement? Please contact Previous Next